Strona główna / Wspomnienie / Iryna Kaptureuskaya, Portugal

Iryna Kaptureuskaya, Portugal

Iryna Kaptureuskaya, Portugal

I  study in Portugal at ISCET – Instituto Superior de Ciencias Empresariaris e do Turismo. There are many interesting professors. The best thing was to discuss with them, because they know a lot and can share you their knowledge. I found new friends too. Portuguese people are very kind and cheerful. They consider you rather like close relative rather than friend. Even professors. For us it is a little bit strange, but you get used for it. I guess I will miss it when I leave.
We had some trips and excursion with group. The most funny part is their tradition to sing during the journey. It was very soulful  trip.

I spent a lot of time exploring the city. Porto is like a masterpiece: evey street reminds you about where you are. Also I did sports: Portuguese people pay attention to their health. There are many runners of every ages, for example.

It is not my first time when I’m studying abroad. First time I was in Spain and life there was quite noisy, because students are partying almost everyday. But here is a different thing. When they had Halloween, my classmates invited me to diner. It was very cute, and I think such get-together is better than drunk parties.

As I said we had some trips. One of them was in the central part of Portugal where are located the caves. It is very pictorial place with cliffs, goats and small huts. We also visited Coimbra. We had quite short staying there, but we had a nice night walk together. And, of course, the most interesting place is Porto itself.

I’m taking part in ERASMUS third time. That means that I like it a lot. But if to be serious: you shouldn’t miss the opportunity to participate in such programs, because it brings new experience, new knowledges and, of course, new friends. Some people even find their love or place where they would like to stay forever. Finally, studying in another country is a kind of test that reveals how independent you are. I mean that you should solve all your problems by yourself, you have to build contacts with people that you never knew before, you have to explore a new place and study local traditions. You will definitely become wiser and will learn to solve any problem after that. 
I advise, don’t hesitate and take part in exchange programs if you have such opportunity. You will regret if you refuse to go. Don’t be afraid of possible difficulties: people understand that you are foreigner and need help. It is my observation, but I guess that in any country people are very helpful towards those who came from different place. I think that they even committed to help foreigners. For them you are interesting too, because you also can share some knowledges with them. Just be polite and kind. Don’t forget that you represent your country, so, you are responsible to leave a good impression.

Best regards,

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