Strona główna / Wspomnienie / Valerii Klekotsiuk, Rhodes, Greece

Valerii Klekotsiuk, Rhodes, Greece

Valerii Klekotsiuk, Rhodes, Greece

My Erasmus internship program I spent in Rhodes, Greece. I spent two fantastic summers in 2016 and 2017 during my work in Greek resorts in F&B and Front office departments.

It was a great experience. I’ve learned a lot of new skills needed for my career and also improved my foreign languages skills. I made a lot of new friends from different countries. We had a good time there and a lot of joy.
The most fun part during practice was traveling and hanging out with friends. Once a week we had day off, so we had chance to enjoy our youth during free time. After work we went outside the town for some food or drinks, swimming at sea or to enjoy sunset on mountains.

There was a big choice what to do in a free time. I am a huge fan of traveling so all my free time I spent exploring the island, local Greek culture and had fun during this. I was doing sport activities, looking for a nice views to enjoy and to take some shots with my camera.

My student life in Greece was really good and nice. There was a lot of fantastic memories, pictures and unforgettable moments. It was my fourth time in Greece and so fa,  this country became very close. I feel there like at home. Greek culture and people made a big and good influence on me and I am really glad about this.

While being there I have visited a lot of nature and architecture spots such as different acropolises, amphitheaters, old towns in Athens, Rhodes, Chania, Heraklion etc.,  beautiful bays and surrounded islands with a beautiful views. 

I am really thankful Erasmus for giving me a chance to enjoy those moments. I think, that this program helps many students around Europe to become more skilled, developed and successful in their education, career and life. This is a nice opportunity to enrich yourself and explore new cultures.

My advice and massage to all students is to apply for Erasmus and to try this program. I am sure that you will enjoy it and will have a good time abroad. Also you will develop your knowledges and skills, will get new friends and this is a nice opportunity to see and explore the world. Erasmus program it is something, what is worth to try!

Uczelnia realizuje projekty
współfinansowane ze środków Unii Europejskiej
Akademia Finansów i Biznesu Vistula

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